Monday 31 August 2015

The little beauty blogger awards...


So the lovely Martha nominated me for this award, I would highly recommend that you go and check out her blog All A girl desires. Her blog is amazing and very well written. 

There are a few rules to follow...

So here are the questions...

1: If you got given £100, what is the first thing you would go out and buy?
Um I've got no idea to be honest, maybe a meal out with friends I think that would be nice.
2: High street or high end makeup??
At the moment my budget mainly stretches to high street makeup and to be honest the high street makeup have really stepped up their game, but I don't think I could carry on with out my Urban decay eyeshadows. 
3: What would you describe you style as??
Laid back.
4:Are you all about autumn/winter fashion or spring/summer??
I like layering in autumn/winter so I suppose I'd say that. 
5:Who is your role model??
Um I don't really have one, I suppose friends and family, and people in my everyday life! 
6:Who is your ultimate style icon??
Taylor swift! I think all the clothes she wears looks great.
7: If you could live anyone’s life for a week who would it be?
Get back to me on that I've honestly no idea!
8:What’s the one makeup item you literally cannot live without?
L'Oreal infallible matte 24 hour foundation it's amazing and makes my skin look flawless!
9:Eyeshadow or Eyeliner?
Eyeshadow because I tend to line my eyes with it any way!
10:What is your go to outfit??
Jeans and a nice top!
Then the people I nominate are... 
Beaches and Bubbly

Danielle's Beauty blog

Giselle Flores


Nina's Style Blog

Rachel Coco

Jessica Ann

My questions are...

1. What's your favourite makeup brand?

2. What's your style staple?

3. What is your favourite colour?

4. Would you go without skincare or makeup?

5. Would you prefer a bold lip colour or a nude?

6. Favourite handbag?

7. Favourite food?

8. Favourite youtube channel (If you watch it?!?!)?

9. Any Hobbies?

10. Dream holiday destination?

Thanks for reading x

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